Tag Archive for: Ontario

Green Abstract Acrylic Painting

Melon and I came up with the idea of a Green Abstract painting when we needed a painting to accent our lime green bathroom motif. Every room in the apartment we were living in at the time had a color theme. Our living room was blue and orange; out bedroom black and purple; and our bathroom was green, black, and white.

This was a collaboration between Melon and I. She started painting the base and bottom layers of the painting. Unhappy with her finished product I added some freehand brush strokes and minor details and what you see is the finished product.


Green Abstract

green abstract

18w x 24h
Acryllic on Canvas
May 2012

Living Room Flare Acrylic Painting

When Melon and I were setting up our place we were in dire need of some living room flare. Our room lacked orange elements when we initially envisioned a blue and orange palette. To balance the color scheme I created this. After our amicable split I sold this piece to a private collector for $1000 and it now sits in a hillside mansion overlooking Pasadena.

I envisioned having the sun in our room in which all evil continually tries engulf all that is good. The white lines represent the hope that constantly fights back.


Living Room Flare

living room flare

20×16, 12×24, 12×24, 20×16
Acrylic on Canvas
December 2012

Phoenix Logo for Power Sports

The Phoenix Logo was a sub brand of the Power Sports company. I used a sans-serif and italicized font that would be readable from far away distances. This was going to be put on mopeds and scooters. The X in the logo was colored in red to represent a phoenix. It was also extended to represent the idea of a fast bird. I worked on a handful of branding projects with this company, but this was the only one that I had solely worked on that I feel comfortable enough to claim credit in creating. The company has since discontinued this particular brand.


Phoenix Logo

Phoenix logo

Metallic Emblem for Power Sports

This Power Sports metallic emblem was an alternative logo design used on the scooter models itself. It was rendered to have a 3D effect like other car company logos. This logo was used for a long period of time. The initial design was based off of a police shield emblem to portray a sense of safety. It’s also simple enough that its vector can easily translate to other forms. After a few years in circulation, they decided to use my other logo instead. In things considered, the other logo was better for the overall look of their company.


Metallic Emblem for Power Sports

metallic emblem


Power Sports Logo

Power sports logo has gone through many changes as the company grew. The company specialized in branding affordable scooters and other recreational vehicles in the U.S. In any event this was my logo creation and it was used mostly for their e-commerce and document branding. The logo had so be simple enough that it could be eventually transferred over as a metal emblem often found as branding for vehicles. Ultimately, it was used as their main logo and can still be seen on their site today. Eventually in a few years it was also used as their vehicle emblem


Power Sports Logo

power sports