Tag Archive for: Photoshop

Power Sports Logo

Power sports logo has gone through many changes as the company grew. The company specialized in branding affordable scooters and other recreational vehicles in the U.S. In any event this was my logo creation and it was used mostly for their e-commerce and document branding. The logo had so be simple enough that it could be eventually transferred over as a metal emblem often found as branding for vehicles. Ultimately, it was used as their main logo and can still be seen on their site today. Eventually in a few years it was also used as their vehicle emblem


Power Sports Logo

power sports

American Aircraft Interiors Logo

The American Aircraft Interiors logo (logo-002) was created in 2005 for an aircraft upholstery company. The company is located in the Temecula/Murrieta area at the French Valley Airport. It has been in business for more than 20 years. I’ve known the owner personally since 2004 and we’ve done many great things together. The company needed an update on their logo for future expansion. They also wanted to give the feel of prestige and luxury as their old logo was clip art from the 90s. Since then it has since been an important part in branding increasing profits over 150% within 18 months.



The client wanted the logo to be stylized similarly to the NASA logo. Since the company name is quite long I had to block it into 3 lines so that it could fit in certain design spaces. With “American” in the title, I went with a red, white, and blue theme.

I’ve also handled their website http://www.americanaircraftinteriors.com since 2004.



aircraft interiors

Medical Billing Logo

Logo-001 was created in 2002 for a medical billing company looking to standardize the health care billing processes. The company worked in close conjunction with the UCLA Medical Facility. In addition, they were in negotiations with USC as well. This was my first job right out of college and it definitely looked great on my resume. I was hired as the youngest Business Development Executive within the UCLA Cardiologist Group. My fondest memory is having dinner with the Executive Director of UCLA, USC, and the CEO of the company. As a result, after the dinner I received a dozen business cards and job offers.



The three dots represent processing dots since they were trying to streamline billing. The word is pronounced A-Vaunt-Tay so as a result I put an accent tilt on the E.



medical billing